# Species*:207
# Excl Vagrants*:207
# Endemics*:0
# Near Endemics*:58
*Based on partial or incomplete data.
Habitat: Scrub


List of target species for the country that could possibly be seen at this location. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Accidentals, vagrants, and very rare species are excluded from this list.

color codes

1Pale-browed TinamouCrypturellus transfasciatusNE
2Rufous-headed ChachalacaOrtalis erythropteraNE
3Ecuadorian Ground DoveColumbina buckleyiNE
4Ochre-bellied DoveLeptotila ochraceiventrisNE
5Rainbow StarfrontletCoeligena irisNE
6Short-tailed WoodstarMyrmia micruraNE
7Purple-collared WoodstarMyrtis fannyNE
8Tumbes HummingbirdThaumasius baeriNE
9Amazilia HummingbirdAmazilis amaziliaNE
10Gray-backed HawkPseudastur occidentalisNE
11Peruvian Screech-OwlMegascops roboratusNE
12Ecuadorian TrogonTrogon mesurusNE
13Ecuadorian PiculetPicumnus sclateriNE
14Gray-cheeked ParakeetBrotogeris pyrrhopteraNE
15Pacific ParrotletForpus coelestisNE
16Cordilleran ParakeetPsittacara frontalusNE
17Chapman's AntshrikeThamnophilus zarumaeNE
18Collared AntshrikeThamnophilus bernardiNE
19Elegant CrescentchestMelanopareia elegansNE
20Watkins's AntpittaGrallaria watkinsiNE
21Pacific HorneroFurnarius cinnamomeusNE
22Rufous-necked Foliage-gleanerSyndactyla ruficollisNE
23Henna-hooded Foliage-gleanerClibanornis erythrocephalusNE
24Line-cheeked SpinetailCranioleuca antisiensisNE
25Blackish-headed SpinetailSynallaxis tithysNE
26Slaty BecardPachyramphus spodiurusNE
27Maranon TyrannuletNesotriccus maranonicusNE
28Pacific ElaeniaMyiopagis subplacensNE
29Loja Tyrannulet**Zimmerius flavidifronsNE
30Peruvian TyrannuletZimmerius viridiflavusNE
31Fulvous-faced Scrub-TyrantEuscarthmus fulvicepsNE
32Gray-breasted FlycatcherLathrotriccus griseipectusNE
33Tumbes PeweeContopus punensisNE
34Ochraceous AttilaAttila torridusBC
35Sooty-crowned FlycatcherMyiarchus phaeocephalusNE
36Baird's FlycatcherMyiodynastes bairdiiNE
37White-tailed JayCyanocorax mystacalisNE
38Tumbes SwallowTachycineta stolzmanniNE
39Chestnut-collared SwallowPetrochelidon rufocollarisNE
40Fasciated WrenCampylorhynchus fasciatusNE
41Superciliated WrenCantorchilus superciliarisNE
42Long-tailed MockingbirdMimus longicaudatusNE
43Ecuadorian ThrushTurdus maculirostrisNE
44Plumbeous-backed ThrushTurdus reeveiNE
45Saffron SiskinSpinus siemiradzkiiNE
46Tumbes SparrowRhynchospiza stolzmanniNE
47Black-capped SparrowArremon abeilleiNE
48White-headed BrushfinchAtlapetes albicepsNE
49White-winged BrushfinchAtlapetes leucopterusNE
50White-edged OrioleIcterus graceannaeNE
51Black-lored YellowthroatGeothlypis auricularisNE
52Three-banded WarblerBasileuterus trifasciatusNE
53Gray-and-gold WarblerMyiothlypis fraseriNE
54Collared Warbling FinchPoospiza hispaniolensisNE
55Parrot-billed SeedeaterSporophila peruvianaNE
56Drab SeedeaterSporophila simplexNE
57Crimson-breasted FinchRhodospingus cruentusNE
58Black-cowled SaltatorSaltator nigricepsNE


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.