Difference in species composition between countries
Country Total Species Recorded in Country** Species not in Borneo§ Species not in Indonesia§§ Species not in Malaysia§§§ Species not in Philippines Species not in Thailand Species not in Cambodia Species not in Laos Species not in Vietnam
Borneo§ 581 0 20 156 338 141 304 348 293
Indonesia§§ 1353 792 0 837 1067 797 982 1033 959
Malaysia§§§ 591 166 75 0 369 28 225 255 199
Philippines 579 336 293 357 0 329 360 403 351
Thailand 950 510 394 387 700 0 408 327 245
Cambodia 582 305 211 216 363 40 0 109 38
Laos 675 442 355 339 499 52 202 0 26
Vietnam 845 557 451 453 617 140 301 196 0


Difference in species composition between countries
Country Total Species Recorded in Country** Species not in Mongolia Species not in China§§§§ Species not in Bhutan Species not in India Species not in Sri Lanka Species not in Philippines Species not in Vietnam Species not in Thailand Species not in Taiwan Species not in Japan
Mongolia 409 0 21 269 131 318 313 240 235 196 103
China§§§§ 1241 853 0 687 386 1018 1012 564 607 823 755
Bhutan 632 492 78 0 11 470 519 206 219 439 467
India 1234 956 379 613 0 925 1023 615 615 925 925
Sri Lanka 350 259 127 188 41 0 215 140 135 200 205
Philippines 579 483 350 466 368 444 0 351 329 383 394
Vietnam 845 676 168 419 226 635 617 0 140 528 577
Thailand 950 776 316 537 331 735 700 245 0 647 683
Taiwan 490 277 72 297 181 340 294 173 187 0 136
Japan 632 326 146 467 323 487 447 364 365 278 0

 * Species counts follow Clements' nomenclature.
** Species counts exclude accidentals and vagrants.


§ Includes Sarawak, Sabah, & Kalimantan
§§ Includes Wallacea but excludes Kalimantan (Borneo) and West Papua New Guinea & nearby islands
§§§ Excludes Sarawak and Sabah on Borneo
§§§§ Excludes Taiwan