Silvery-cheeked Antshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Caatinga Antwren - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Caatinga Antshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Barred Antshrike - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-winged Antshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chestnut-backed Antshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Planalto Slaty-Antshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Stripe-backed Antbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-hooded Antwren - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Black-bellied Antwren - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sincora Antwren - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray Antbird - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Slender Antbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Collared Crescentchest - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous Gnateater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Diamantina Tapaculo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Diamantina Tapaculo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-throated Woodcreeper - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous Hornero - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-eyed Foliage-gleaner - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous Cacholote - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Red-shouldered Spinetail - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Araripe Manakin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Helmeted Manakin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Swallow-tailed Manakin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Band-tailed Manakin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-headed Manakin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Swallow-tailed Cotinga - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Green-backed Becard - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Suiriri Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray-backed Tachuri - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray Elaenia - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-sided Pygmy-Tyrant - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-backed Water-Tyrant - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Masked Water-Tyrant - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Grayish Mourner - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Short-crested Flycatcher - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Cattle Tyrant - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Cattle Tyrant - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Great Kiskadee - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Fork-tailed Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-crowned Greenlet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Purplish Jay - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Tropical Gnatcatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Long-billed Wren - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chalk-browed Mockingbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-bellied Thrush - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-bellied Thrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blue-naped Chlorophonia - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Violaceous Euphonia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Violaceous Euphonia - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Orange-bellied Euphonia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chestnut-bellied Euphonia - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Grassland Sparrow - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Olive Oropendola - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-winged Cacique - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-winged Cacique - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-rumped Cacique - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Red-rumped Cacique - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Campo Troupial - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Campo Troupial - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chestnut-capped Blackbird - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-crowned Warbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-crested Cardinal - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Red-cowled Cardinal - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-billed Cardinal - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Magpie Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC White-banded Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-goggled Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Ruby-crowned Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Ruby-crowned Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC White-lined Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Fawn-breasted Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Sayaca Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Azure-shouldered Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Azure-shouldered Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Azure-shouldered Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-chevroned Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-chevroned Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chestnut-backed Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Burnished-buff Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Burnished-buff Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Burnished-buff Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-bellied Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Opal-rumped Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Opal-rumped Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Green-headed Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Green-headed Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Seven-colored Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-necked Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gilt-edged Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Swallow Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Blue Dacnis - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Blue Dacnis - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Bicolored Conebill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chestnut-vented Conebill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Saffron Finch - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Grassland Yellow-Finch - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Great Pampa-Finch - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Great Pampa-Finch - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Double-collared Seedeater - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Pileated Finch - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Bananaquit - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-fringed Antwren - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC