# Species:1038
# Excl Vagrants:950
# Endemics:3
# Near Endemics:8
Cotton Pygmy-Goose - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCIndian Spot-billed Duck - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-winged Duck - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCFerruginous Duck - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Ferruginous Duck - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCFerruginous Partridge - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-throated Partridge - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSilver Pheasant - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Kalij Pheasant - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSiamese Fireback - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Great Argus - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray Peacock-Pheasant - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red Junglefowl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLittle Grebe - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Speckled Wood-Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCAshy Wood-Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Oriental Turtle-Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRed Collared-Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Spotted Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCZebra Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Mountain Imperial-Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-bellied Malkoha - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Asian Koel - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLittle Bronze-Cuckoo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Violet Cuckoo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSquare-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Plaintive Cuckoo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBrush Cuckoo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Brush Cuckoo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCHodgson's Frogmouth - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blyth's Frogmouth - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray Nightjar - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Whiskered Treeswift - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBrown-cheeked Rail - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray-headed Swamphen - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite-breasted Waterhen - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Ruddy-breasted Crake - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-tailed Crake - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Great Thick-knee - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-winged Stilt - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC River Lapwing - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray-headed Lapwing - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-wattled Lapwing - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGreater Sand-Plover - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Malaysian Plover - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCKentish Plover - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Pheasant-tailed Jacana - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPheasant-tailed Jacana - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-tailed Godwit - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCEurasian Woodcock - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Common Sandpiper - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCMarsh Sandpiper - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Wood Sandpiper - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCommon Redshank - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Curlew Sandpiper - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCTemminck's Stint - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Long-toed Stint - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRed-necked Stint - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Oriental Pratincole - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBrown-headed Gull - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Whiskered Tern - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite-winged Tern - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Great Crested Tern - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCAsian Openbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Asian Openbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPainted Stork - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Spot-billed Pelican - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCinnamon Bittern - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow Bittern - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPacific Reef-Heron - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chinese Egret - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLittle Egret - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Little Egret - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCJavan Pond-Heron - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chinese Pond-Heron - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCChinese Pond-Heron - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Great Egret - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPurple Heron - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Crested Serpent-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPied Harrier - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chinese Sparrowhawk - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite-bellied Sea-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Lesser Fish-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLesser Fish-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Oriental Scops-Owl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCOriental Scops-Owl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Buffy Fish-Owl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCAsian Barred Owlet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Spotted Owlet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSpotted Wood-Owl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Brown Boobook - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCOrange-breasted Trogon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Scarlet-rumped Trogon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRed-headed Trogon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-headed Trogon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCEurasian Hoopoe - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Helmeted Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRhinoceros Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Oriental Pied-Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCommon Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBanded Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Brown-winged Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite-throated Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-capped Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRufous-collared Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-bearded Bee-eater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRed-bearded Bee-eater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blue-tailed Bee-eater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCChestnut-headed Bee-eater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Indian Roller - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCoppersmith Barbet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-throated Barbet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLineated Barbet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gold-whiskered Barbet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCMoustached Barbet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Speckled Piculet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRufous Piculet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBuff-necked Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Buff-necked Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBuff-rumped Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-and-buff Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCChecker-throated Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Greater Flameback - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-thighed Falconet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blossom-headed Parakeet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCDusky Broadbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Silver-breasted Broadbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-and-red Broadbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-and-red Broadbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-and-yellow Broadbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Malayan Banded-Pitta - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray-chinned Minivet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Ashy Minivet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCIndochinese Cuckooshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Indochinese Cuckooshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-naped Oriole - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Ashy Woodswallow - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCommon Iora - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-throated Fantail - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack Drongo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Ashy Drongo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-naped Monarch - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Brown Shrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBurmese Shrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Long-tailed Shrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLong-tailed Shrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray-backed Shrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray-backed Shrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Eastern Jungle-Crow - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray-headed Canary-Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-browed Tit - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCIndochinese Bushlark - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Oriental Skylark - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCommon Tailorbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Dark-necked Tailorbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRufescent Prinia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray-breasted Prinia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCZitting Cisticola - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-browed Reed Warbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCStriated Grassbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Hairy-backed Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCHairy-backed Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Puff-throated Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPuff-throated Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray-eyed Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCAshy Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Puff-backed Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-headed Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Spectacled Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-crested Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Streak-eared Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCStripe-throated Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-whiskered Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSooty-headed Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Buff-barred Warbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCEastern Crowned Warbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCDavison's Leaf Warbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Spot-breasted Parrotbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray-headed Parrotbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Whiskered Yuhina - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPin-striped Tit-Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Red-billed Scimitar-Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-throated Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray-throated Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray-headed Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSpot-necked Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-crowned Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCollared Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-throated Fulvetta - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBuff-breasted Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Abbott's Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCStreaked Wren-Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Brown-cheeked Fulvetta - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBrown Fulvetta - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yunnan Fulvetta - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSilver-eared Laughingthrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-headed Sibia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlue-winged Minla - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Spectacled Barwing - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSilver-eared Mesia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-backed Sibia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite-crested Laughingthrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-necked Laughingthrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-throated Laughingthrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWallcreeper - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Velvet-fronted Nuthatch - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCChestnut-bellied Nuthatch - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-crested Myna - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-collared Starling - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Common Myna - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCJungle Myna - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Javan Myna - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-breasted Thrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Asian Brown Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCOriental Magpie-Robin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-rumped Shama - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLarge Niltava - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Rufous-bellied Niltava - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite-gorgeted Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Pale Blue Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCHill Blue Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Malaysian Blue Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCTickell's Blue Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Tickell's Blue Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSiberian Blue Robin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Siberian Blue Robin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite-bellied Redstart - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blue Whistling-Thrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlue Whistling-Thrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Chestnut-naped Forktail - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-backed Forktail - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Firethroat - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSiberian Rubythroat - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-tailed Robin - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCYellow-rumped Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-rumped Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSlaty-blue Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Snowy-browed Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCTaiga Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-capped Redstart - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCDaurian Redstart - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Pied Bushchat - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCJerdon's Bushchat - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray Bushchat - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray Bushchat - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCFire-breasted Flowerpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Fire-breasted Flowerpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCScarlet-backed Flowerpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Van Hasselt's Sunbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPurple Sunbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Green-tailed Sunbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCThick-billed Spiderhunter - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Long-billed Spiderhunter - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCAsian Fairy-bluebird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blue-winged Leafbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCOrange-bellied Leafbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Asian Golden Weaver - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCAsian Golden Weaver - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Scaly-breasted Munia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCChestnut Munia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray Wagtail - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCEastern Yellow Wagtail - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Mekong Wagtail - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSpot-winged Grosbeak - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Asian Pied Starling - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCattle Egret - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Coral-billed Scimitar-Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCDollarbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gould's Sunbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGreen Bee-eater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Hooded Pitta - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCHume's Pheasant - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Limestone Wren-Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCStejneger's Stonechat - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Thick-billed Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCVinous-breasted Starling - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-browed Shortwing - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite-handed Gibbon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-handed Gibbon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGiant Squirrel - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC