# Species:1360
# Excl Vagrants:1353
# Endemics:435
# Near Endemics:77
Maleo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCMoluccan Scrubfowl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Green Junglefowl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSultan's Cuckoo-Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-faced Cuckoo-Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSumba Green-Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sumba Green-Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRed-eared Fruit-Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Maroon-chinned Fruit-Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-naped Fruit-Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSpectacled Imperial-Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Cinnamon-bellied Imperial-Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBay Coucal - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Goliath Coucal - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLesser Coucal - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-billed Malkoha - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLittle Bronze-Cuckoo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Diabolical Nightjar - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLarge-tailed Nightjar - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sulawesi Nightjar - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSavanna Nightjar - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Whiskered Treeswift - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCDusky Moorhen - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-winged Stilt - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray-tailed Tattler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Great-billed Heron - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSulawesi Serpent-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sulawesi Serpent-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSulawesi Hawk-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCChangeable Hawk-Eagle - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Variable Goshawk - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCMoluccan Scops-Owl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sumba Boobook - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSumba Boobook - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Ochre-bellied Boobook - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCOchre-bellied Boobook - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Halmahera Boobook - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCOriental Pied-Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Knobbed Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCKnobbed Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sumba Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlyth's Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blyth's Hornbill - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSmall Blue Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sulawesi Dwarf-Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGreat-billed Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Javan Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSacred Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Collared Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBeach Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sombre Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCinnamon-banded Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Green-backed Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGreen-backed Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Common Paradise-Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCPurple-bearded Bee-eater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blue-tailed Bee-eater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCAzure Roller - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Ashy Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCAshy Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-thighed Falconet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCWhite Cockatoo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Moluccan King-Parrot - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRed-cheeked Parrot - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Azure-rumped Parrot - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSulawesi Hanging-Parrot - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Ivory-breasted Pitta - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCElegant Pitta - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-bellied Gerygone - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCerulean Cuckooshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-bellied Cuckooshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCMoluccan Cuckooshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-rumped Cuckooshrike - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSulphur-bellied Whistler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-naped Oriole - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCIvory-backed Woodswallow - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Hair-crested Drongo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSpangled Drongo - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBroad-billed Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Piping Crow - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLong-billed Crow - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray-headed Canary-Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCCitrine Canary-Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-headed Cisticola - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCMalia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Pacific Swallow - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCHalmahera Golden-Bulbul - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-spectacled White-eye - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCMountain White-eye - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-ringed White-eye - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBlack-fronted White-eye - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sulawesi Babbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCFiery-browed Myna - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Moluccan Starling - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCShort-tailed Starling - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC White-necked Myna - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBali Myna - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-winged Starling - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCRusty-backed Thrush - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blue-fronted Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSumba Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Pied Bushchat - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCHylocitrea - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-sided Flowerpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCGray-sided Flowerpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Black-faced Munia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCScaly-breasted Munia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Gray-cheeked Pigeon - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLilac-cheeked Kingfisher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Minahassa Masked-Owl - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCOlive-backed Sunbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Paradise-crow - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCSulawesi Woodpecker - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-and-green Lorikeet - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCIsland Collared-Dove - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Long-tailed Macaque - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCLong-tailed Macaque Female - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC