Altitude (m):330
# Species:578
# Excl Vagrants:578
# Endemics:0
# Near Endemics:4
Habitat: Lowland rainforest, oxbow lakes, rivers


Tambo Blanquillo is located in a forested area that encompasses tierra-firme (never flooded) forest, transitional floodplain, varzea (seasonally flooded) forest, and bamboo forest close to the lodge. These are accessible via an extensive network of trails. Nearby beaches and river islands support willow and cane stands. For this reason some 575 species of birds have been recorded around the lodge. The Blanquillo Macaw and Parrot lick, where up to 200 macaws along with other parrot species visit most mornings to eat clay essential to their digestion, is located on the property. Floating platforms around the three oxbow lakes in the area provide access to lakeside habitat where several specialty birds are found. A number of mammals are also of great interest to visitors. Three families of the endangered Giant Otter inhabit the oxbow lakes and small streams. A large mammal lick located an hour's hike from the lodge is visited by Tapirs. At night Brocket Deer and other animals share this necessary ingredient to the digestive system. On rare occasions it's even possible to spot a Jaguar. Ten species of monkeys inhabit the forests and are regularly encountered while walking forest trails. A large, raised blind at the mammal lick is equipped with mattresses and mosquito nets for those who want to spend the night in comfort observing deer and other nocturnal animals visiting the lick. During the day several species of small forest parakeets and parrotlets as well as guans, curassows and Black Spider Monkeys regularly visit as well. An observation tower in a giant Kapok tree on the property affords viewing of canopy birds. Better known Manu Wildlife Center is located adjacent to the property. Groups staying there must pay a substantial fee (currently $200 per person) to visit sites on Tambo Blanquillo property. The bird lists are basically the same at Tambo Blanquillo and MWC.


Tambo Blanquillo is located in the buffer zone adjacent to Manu Biosphere Reserve along the Madre de Dios River lowlands of the Peruvian Amazon. Birding groups typically reach the lodge by spending a week birding Manu Road, spending the night at the Amazonia Lodge, and then taking a 4-hour hour boat trip down river from there. They return to Cusco by re-tracing their route back up the Madre de Dios River and Manu Road or continuing downstream to Boca Colorado and then by land transport to Puerto Maldonado.