Accessible Species


# Species:510
# Excl Vagrants:409
# Endemics:0
# Near Endemics:3



§ Includes Sarawak, Sabah, & Kalimantan
§§ Excludes Taiwan
§§§ Includes Wallacea but excludes Kalimantan (Borneo) and West Papua New Guinea & nearby islands
§§§§ Excludes Sarawak and Sabah on Borneo


NENear Endemic2
RRRestricted Range16


NTNear Threatened23
CRCritically Endangered4

Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.

List of all specialty birds in the country occurring in locales typically visited by birding tours. Specialties include endemics and globally threatened, vulnerable or endangered. Table indicates whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. See sidebar for meaning of location codes and symbols associated with common names.*

color codes

1(Swan Goose)Anser cygnoides V
2|Lesser White-fronted Goose|Anser erythropus V
3(Mute Swan)Cygnus olorLC 
4|Baikal Teal|Sibirionetta formosaLC 
5(Garganey)Spatula querquedulaLC 
6(Falcated Duck)Mareca falcataLCNT
7(Common Pochard)Aythya ferina V
8|Ferruginous Duck|Aythya nyrocaRRNT
9|Baer's Pochard|Aythya baeriLCCR
10(Common Merganser)Mergus merganserLC 
11(White-headed Duck)Oxyura leucocephalaRREN
12Willow PtarmiganLagopus lagopusLC 
13Black-billed CapercaillieTetrao urogalloidesLC 
14Altai SnowcockTetraogallus altaicusLC 
15(Japanese Quail)Coturnix japonica NT
16(Little Grebe)Tachybaptus ruficollisRR 
17(Horned Grebe)Podiceps auritus V
18(Great Bustard)Otis tardaLCV
19(Macqueen's Bustard)Chlamydotis macqueenii V
20(Eurasian Moorhen)Gallinula chloropusRR 
21(Baillon's Crake)Zapornia pusillaLC 
22|Siberian Crane|Leucogeranus leucogeranusLCCR
23(White-naped Crane)Antigone vipio V
24(Hooded Crane)Grus monachaLCV
25(Pied Avocet)Recurvirostra avosettaLC 
26(Northern Lapwing)Vanellus vanellus NT
27(Oriental Plover)Anarhynchus veredusLC 
28|Far Eastern Curlew|Numenius madagascariensis EN
29(Eurasian Curlew)Numenius arquata NT
30|Bar-tailed Godwit|Limosa lapponica NT
31(Black-tailed Godwit)Limosa limosa NT
32(Asian Dowitcher)Limnodromus semipalmatusLCNT
33|Gray-tailed Tattler|Tringa brevipes NT
34|Red Knot|Calidris canutus NT
35|Sharp-tailed Sandpiper|Calidris acuminata V
36|Curlew Sandpiper|Calidris ferruginea NT
37|Red-necked Stint|Calidris ruficollis NT
38(Pallas's Gull)Ichthyaetus ichthyaetusLC 
39(Relict Gull)Ichthyaetus relictus V
40|Red-throated Loon|Gavia stellataRR 
41|Oriental Stork|Ciconia boycianaRREN
42(Dalmatian Pelican)Pelecanus crispus NT
43(Little Bittern)Ixobrychus minutusLC 
44Bearded VultureGypaetus barbatusLCNT
45Cinereous VultureAegypius monachus NT
46#Himalayan Griffon#Gyps himalayensis NT
47|Greater Spotted Eagle|Clanga clanga V
48(Steppe Eagle)Aquila nipalensis EN
49|Imperial Eagle|Aquila heliaca V
50(Hen Harrier)Circus cyaneusLC 
51|Pallid Harrier|Circus macrourus NT
52#Montagu's Harrier#Circus pygargusRR 
53|Pallas's Fish-Eagle|Haliaeetus leucoryphus EN
54/Snowy Owl/Bubo scandiacus V
55(Saker Falcon)Falco cherrug EN
56(Chinese Gray Shrike)Lanius sphenocercusLC 
57Mongolian Ground-JayPodoces hendersoniNE 
58(White-crowned Penduline-Tit)Remiz coronatusLC 
59(Asian Short-toed Lark)Alaudala cheleensisLC 
60(Crested Lark)Galerida cristataLC 
61Bearded ReedlingPanurus biarmicusLC 
62(Booted Warbler)Iduna caligataLC 
63(Black-browed Reed Warbler)Acrocephalus bistrigicepsRR 
64(Oriental Reed Warbler)Acrocephalus orientalisLC 
65(Lanceolated Warbler)Locustella lanceolataRR 
66(Savi's Warbler)Locustella luscinioidesLC 
67(Baikal Bush Warbler)Locustella davidiLC 
68(Pale Martin)Riparia dilutaRR 
69(Sulphur-bellied Warbler)Phylloscopus griseolusLC 
70|Eurasian Wren|Troglodytes troglodytesRR 
71|Daurian Starling|Agropsar sturninaLC 
72(Redwing)Turdus iliacusRRNT
73(Common Nightingale)Luscinia megarhynchosRR 
74(Bluethroat)Luscinia svecicaLC 
75|Yellow-rumped Flycatcher|Ficedula zanthopygiaLC 
76(Rufous-backed Redstart)Phoenicurus erythronotusLC 
77(White-winged Redstart)Phoenicurus erythrogastrusLC 
78(White-throated Bushchat)Saxicola insignisLCV
79Altai AccentorPrunella himalayanaLC 
80(Black-throated Accentor)Prunella atrogularisLC 
81Mongolian AccentorPrunella koslowiNE 
82Himalayan Beautiful RosefinchCarpodacus pulcherrimusLC 
83Red-mantled RosefinchCarpodacus rhodochlamysLC 
84Eurasian BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhulaLC 
85Mongolian FinchBucanetes mongolicusLC 
86Plain Mountain FinchLeucosticte nemoricolaLC 
87Black-headed Mountain FinchLeucosticte brandtiLC 
88(European Greenfinch)Chloris chlorisRR 
89White-winged CrossbillLoxia leucopteraRR 
90(Rock Bunting)Emberiza ciaRR 
91|Rustic Bunting|Emberiza rustica V
92(Yellow-breasted Bunting)Emberiza aureola CR


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.