Travel Information


Duration:9 Days, 8 Nights
Group Size:2-8
Anytime Price:$3350
Group Price:$3200
Single Suppl:$300
Est #Species:275-325
* This tour is available for any dates of your choosing provided guide services and accommodations are available.

The below information is provided to inform people of what to expect if they participate in this tour and to advise participants on how to prepare for the tour. We try to provide accurate information but conditions and travel requirements can change over time.

Entering Colombia

Persons entering Colombia require a valid passport with an expiration date more than 6 months after their planned departure from the country. Immigration officials may deny a person entry if their passport is not in good condition. US citizens do not require a visa to enter Colombia. Non-US citizens should check with the Colombia embassy to find out about entry requirements. All visitors must provide proof of complete vaccination against COVID (at least 14 days in advance) or a negative COVID test (48 hours before travel for antigen test or 72 hours before travel for a PCR test). A photo of one's vaccination card is usually accepted but occasionally the original card is required. All persons must fill out a Check Migration Form within 72 hours of boarding an inbound flight to Colombia.

Leaving Colombia

Departure tax is normally included in airfare. All persons must fill out a Check Migration Form within 72 hours of boarding an outbound flight from Colombia.

Time Zone

Colombia is on Eastern Standard Time.

Immunizations & Health

Please contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding health issues and immunization requirements when traveling in Colombia. See your travel doctor for specific recommendations at least 4-6 weeks prior to departure. The CDC recommends malaria preventatives below 4900 ft elevation, particularly in the eastern lowlands. The CDC also recommends vaccinations/boosters for hepatitis A or immune globulin (IG, typhoid, yellow fever, tetanus-diptheria, and measles.

Medical Facilities

Good medical care is available in major cities but not necessarily in smaller towns. Pharmacies are available in most towns as well as cities.


We recommend purchasing trip cancellation insurance, which will reimburse you for any non-refundable payments you would otherwise lose if you must cancel your participation in the tour for some unforeseen reason. Trip cancellation insurance must normally be purchased within a short time after you register for the tour. Travel medical insurance is advisable, especially for those with chronic or known medical conditions.


Most sites we visit in Colombia are at middle or higher elevations. The elevation in Bogota is about 9000 ft. Altitude in the Santa Marta and Perija Mountains is similar.


The climate in Colombia is pleasant to cool with chilly nights at higher elevation locales. Nights can be cold in the Perija Mountains. Inter-mountain valleys are warmer than middle or higher elevations. The northern coastal lowlands can be quite hot. Rainy or wet seasons are normally April-May and October-November though climate zones vary widely.


Birding tours are conducted at an easy to moderate pace.

Birding and photography are best in early morning and late afternoon, so days often begin shortly after first light around 6:00-6:30 am. Birding varies from roadsides to trails depending on locale.


Accommodations are typically in moderate priced comfortable hotels or lodges when available. Occasionally the only available accommodations are very basic, such as the Pro Aves lodge in the Perija Mountains in the northeast.


Meals at the lodges vary from very good to excellent, with a wide variety of meat, chicken, and fish available along with vegetables, wonderful soups, fresh fruit juices, and salads. Options at more basic lodges may be limited by special dietary requirements can be accommodated.


Travel is normally by 4x4 vehicles or minivans on our tours depending on locale. The Santa Marta and Perija Mountains require 4x4 vehicles as roads up the mountains are steep and rough in places.

Registration & Payment

Please refer to the REGISTRATION menu for registration procedure. Trip cancellation insurance is highly recommended as payments may be partially or wholly non-refundable. See the POLICIES menu for our refund policy.

Additional Information

General information about the tour, including where to meet the group and contact information, will be sent by email or US mail prior to departure. Checklists will be provided at the beginning of the tour. Additional information about our policies can be found on the REGISTRATION menu above. Please feel free to call us at 206-650-3425 or email us with any questions you may have.

Information last updated October, 2022.