Area (SqKm):156
Altitude (m):250-1370
# Species:342
# Excl Vagrants:342
# Endemics:0
# Near Endemics:0
Species/100 SqKm:219.2
Habitat: Mixed deciduous forest, semi-evergreen forest


Phu Khieo is not typically visited during birding tours as it's off the beaten track and requires a tour of longer duration to be included on an itinerary. It adjoins Nam Nao National Park so it's convenient to visit both if time permits. Phu Khieo is a favorite birding site for those residing in Thailand. Accessing Phu Khieo requires private transport as it's 23½km from the entrance to the headquarters area. Roadside birding en route to the HQ and in the reserve is very good.

A clearing overlooking evergreen forest 7km from the entrance is a good place to scan the canopy for hornbills and mynas. It's worth spending some time there as it has better forest than other parts of the rserve nearer headquarters. Continuing on the same road, a good area for Brown Hornbill is at 14.3km and 18.7km from the entrance.

All lakes should be checked for White-winged Duck. The best site is at Mon Lake, located 5km from the HQ and reached by a dirt track that must be walked and accompanied by a ranger that can be arranged at HQ. The track to the lake is wide, flat, and an easy hike through dry dipterocarp, pine, and hill forest. It's very good for birding and also for primates. The best chance for seeing the duck is staying overnight at the lake, which can be arranged. Walking around the lake during early morning or evening gives the best chance since it tends to stay hidden in the weeds around the lake.

The loop around Queens resort goes through grassland and open dry forest. Both Green Peafowl and Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo have been seen there. The nature trail starting from the car park goes through tall evergreen forest and is also good for birding.

Phu Khieo is one of the best places in Thailand to see mammals. While unlikely to be seen, the park hosts decent populations of Jungle Cat, Marbled Cat, Leopard Cat, Clouded Leopard, Leopard, and Tiger. More readily seen are Phayre's Leaf-monkey (Langur), Red Muntjac, and Sambar. Also possible are Lar Gibbon, Asian Elephant, and several species of squirrels.


Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary is located about 50km west of Chumpae in northeast Thailand between Chaeng Saeng and Nam Nao. It's about a 7 hour drive from Bangkok and is not far from Nam Nao National Park.