# Species:282
# Excl Vagrants:282
# Endemics:43
# Near Endemics:5
Habitat: Grassland, forest


The road through the Serra da Graciosa Mountains goes through several habitat zones before reaching the coastal lowlands. Birding is primarily along roadsides and back roads in the mountains. The first section of the road goes through grassland that is good for Lesser Grass-Finch and Greater Pampa-Finch. There is a side road, more of a jeep track that is hardly drivable, 3 km from the BR116 turnoff. Another 4 km along the main road is a second turn-off onto a dirt road where traffic is heavier but birding is good. This second road begins just before the main road begins descending to the lowlands. The first road goes through good forest and the second through a mix of forest patches and meadows with occasional houses. The primary target bird is the prized Canebreak Groundcreeper, which is most likely found along the road from the second turnoff. The bird responds well to playback and can usually be seen. The same road is also an excellent place to find Hooded Berryeater lurking in the understory and the white Bare-throated Bellbird bonking in the canopy. Both species are active and relatively conspicuous during breeding season, which begins in September and continues through November. Other interesting birds regularly seen along the two roads include Solitary Tinamou, White-spotted Woodpecker, Tufted Antshrike, Dusky-tailed Antbird, Mouse-colored Tapaculo, White-breasted Tapaculo, Giant Antshrike, Rufous-backed Antvireo, Pale-browed Treehunter, Pin-tailed Manakin, Planalto Tyrannulet, Yellow-legged Thrush, Azure-shouldered Tanager, Chestnut-backed Tanager, Brassy-breasted Tanager, Black-and-rufous Warbling-Finch, and Thick-billed Saltator.

The road winds its way down to the lowlands through montane forest, eventually reaching the colonial town of Morretes and beyond that Antonini near the coast. Possibilities at the lower elevations include Squamate Antbird, Black-cheeked Gnateater, Sharpbill, and Red-ruffed Fruitcrow. An old 17th century cobblestone road near Morretes offers excellent lower elevation birding when the weather is good. The stones can be difficult for walking and slippery when wet, but the road can be driven at a slow pace. Some of the interesting birds present in the forest along the road include the endemic Solitary Tinamou, Saw-billed Hermit, Crescent-chested Puffbird, Spot-billed Toucanet, Streak-capped Antwren, Star-throated Antwren, and White-bearded Manakin.


Serra de Graciosa is a mountain range northeast of Curitiba in southern Brazil. The Estrada Serra de Graciosa begins 20 miles (35 km) north of Curitiba as an exit off BR116. The road then winds through the mountains downslope to the Atlantic lowlands and coast.